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Revealing what is implicit in the subject is what motivates me to create Audiovisual pieces that highlight each part of a whole. That is the case whether I am deconstructing a film in the space or using a box whose frame alludes to the poetry of a scene.



Since my first approach to audiovisual arts my interest has been placed on a deconstructive attitude towards reality. Deconstruction takes the established concepts and displays how behind each of these concepts one finds its contradictions, its hidden zones, its defeat, its others, its shadows.


The more we deconstruct, the more we assume the paradoxical character of its entire reality. Behind the scenes we see the aporia, the unstable amorphous form, the contradiction.

Deconstruction reveals the reasons that have led to the interpretation of reality that structures our lives today. To dismantle them is to reveal their deception and to demonstrate why these ideas developed in this way, and how they are salvaging and saving us.



2021 - 2022       Postgraduate Program: Contemporary Art Practices. University of San Martin (UNSAM), Argentina

2004 - 2011       Masters Film Class. Academy of Fine Arts, Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste. Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

2009                  Higher Studies. “The Art of Film Criticism. 21st century” International Film and Television School San Antonio de los Banos, Cuba 

1999 - 2003       Diplom. University degree: “Audiovisual Media Designer”. University of Buenos Aires (FADU), Argentina





2021                  Artwork Laboratry. Leila Tschopp. ONLINE

2020                  Micro Residencia Online: Dialogue between Brasil and Berlin. Red Generación Espontanea. ONLINE

2019 - 2020       Residence Program: Proyecto MOV. Curators: Ignacio Masllorens y Karin Idelson. 

                          La delgada linea llamada verdad, by Nele Wohlatz. Mil palabras, by Fernando Krapp. Formas del Found Footage, by Diego Tretola                                  Modos de producir, by Laura Citarella Poesia y Cine, by Mercedes Halfon. Construir lo Real, by Alejo Hoijman.

                          Entre la especulación y las artes adivinatorias, by Agustina Comedi. La imagen justa, by Karin Idelso.

2019.                 Micro Residence Program: Fluxus Tierra. Curator: Daniela Orozco. Berlin

2019                  Studio Residence Program: MARCO ARTE FOCO. Museum of Contemporary Art of La Boca. Curator: Paula Carrella. Buenos Aires

2018                  Residence Program: FlussLab. Delta del Tigre, Buenos Aires (December 2018)

2017                  Studio Residence Program: ABC ARTE. Buenos Aires. Curators: Marcelo Pelissier, Lucas Marin and Claudio Ongaro Haelterman

2006                  Studio Residence Program at the Real Presence (for young artists). Curators: Biljana Tomic y Dobrila Denegri. Belgrade





2019                  Scholarship. Studio Residence Program: MARCO ARTE FOCO. Museum of Contemporary Art of La Boca, Buenos Aires 

2017                  Scholarship. ABC Residence Program. Buenos Aires.

2016                  First prize: Visual arts. FunkaFest. Palacio de Cristal, Guayaquil, Ecuador

2016                  Grant from the Senate of Culture, Berlin (International Cultural Exchange Award: Berlin in Buenos Aires)

2014                  Grant from the Senate of Culture, Berlin(International Cultural Exchange Award: First Argentine film festival

2009                  Scholarship/Artists Program at the International Film and Television School San Antonio de los Banos, Cuba

2003 - 2005       Scholarship DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) at Städelschule Frankfurt am Main




2021                  BORN DIGITAL. Solo Virtual art exhibition. ( Karne Kunst, Berlin                         

                          MOVIMIENTO 01. Video Experimental Programm SLOW WAVE. IntAkt Galerie, Vienna

                          ( )                        

                          PAUSA. Photography intervened with sound. RASTRUMS pace for collective thought. (

                          DANCING 01. Installation Image and Sound. Galeria BASIS, Frankfurt am Main 

2020                  APOCALYPTIC. Short Film. Screening-Programm TRAVEL APPARATUS. Das weisse haus, Vienna

                          MOVIMIENTO 01. Video Experimental. Online Festival: El Ceibo te Conecta. Mexico

2019                  VISUAL CONCERT. Video Installation with musicians improvising live. REH Echtzeitmusik - Improvisation Music, Berlin

                          BALLERINA (work in progress). Installation. Basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main

                          SCORE OF THE CITIES: Delta. Video Installation with musicians improvising live. Delta del Tigre, Buenos Aires 

                          APOCALYPTIC. Short Film. Lugones Cinema, Buenos Aire

2018                  APOCALYPTIC. Videokunst. 3. Biennale Puebla, Internationale Videokunst und Animation, Mexiko.

                          DANCING 01. Installation Image and Sound. Gallery Povvera, Berlin 

                          CAVALCADE 01.Installation Image and Sound. Galeria Gachi Prieto, Buenos Aires

                          POSTTSUNAMI. Photography. 5ta edition Floripa Na Foto Festival. Florianópolis, Brasil 

                          CAOS CALMO. Photography. Museum of Women. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2017                  SCORE OF THE CITIES: Delta. Video Installation with musicians improvising live. 

                          CASo (Kulturzentrum der klanglichen Künste), Buenos Aires/ REH Echtzeitmusik - Improvisierte Musik, Berlin

                          APOCALYPTIC. Video Installation.  Miami New Media Festival 2017

                          1:1  Juliana Herrero: Carolina Boettner, Nestor Crovetto, Ana  Mon. Galerie La Ira de Dios, Buenos Aires

2016                  RHYTHM OF THE CITIES: Fez. Video Experimental. II Festival Videoarte nodoCCS 2016. Caracas - Venezuela

                          TIMEMAKER Video Collage. Paraflows. Künstlerhaus. Vienna - Austria

                          SYMPHONY 24. Interactive Installation. Palacio de Cristal. Guayaquil - Ecuador

2015                  BLACK INTERVAL. Video Art Erstes Treffen der Video-Kunst Bataclana Kulturraum. Cordoba - Argentina

                          APRIL18, 1986. Installation. Fieber festival. Gallery ACUD, Berlin

                          OJALA. Piece # 26: Sabina Tiemroth + Carolina Boettner + Paz Alvarez Menendez. Buenos Aires - München - Berlin

2014                  RHYTHM OF THE CITIES: Kahawa. Photo installation. Gallery 18M Salon. Berlin

                          BLACK INTERVAL.  Video Installation. Maison de l’Argentine. Paris

                          7 MINUTE. Installation. Gallery Kotti-Shop. Berlin 

2013                  TIME. Film, HESSEN SHORTS, Berlinale. Film Festival in Berlin 

                          TIME. Time. HESSEN SHORTS, Frankfurt am Main




2000                 CICLICAL. Serie of 10 drawings white and black. 

                          Created in reference to the film “2001...”, Stanley Kubrik. Annual magazine, University of Buenos Aires 



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